Hello, I am Bob Stumpystumps. I am here writing this to warn you of a horrible cursed game, a game so horrible, so cursed, so horrible, so cursed, that it literally kills people. Literally.
The game itself is called WarioWare.EXE.JPG.TXT.DOT
and now, my VERY REAL, VERY AUTHENTIC story.
I was walking down the street, walking. Suddenly, there was a garage sale. Being the person I am, I ran to it, thinking there was cook stuff there. The owner was a small old man, and his name was Garry.
Garry showed me a game he thought “you might like, you pathetic slob”
it was a disc with a single word on it in black marker
I bought it, because it looked normal enough, and I put it into my conviently placed disc player
the game started, but there was no title, just a black screen with the Wario symbol in the middle.
I couldn’t do anything, so I just waited for a bit. Soon, there was a bright flash. The screen turned to a picture of a table with a bowl of garlic on it. Suddenly, Wario appeared out of nowhere. The spooky thing was, Wario was covered in blood. He started eating the garlic, which screamed, and were bleeding. I vomited, but I kept playing. When the garlics were all eaten, Wario looked at the screen with his eyes black, and bleeding blood. He pointed at me and said “I’M COMING FOR YOU, BOB. WAHAHAHAHA”. How did he know my name? Probably a demon or something.
He then grabbed an axe and came towards the screen, and then it went black.
I then felt Wario’s breath on my neck.
as I am writing this story, I may die. so, I warn you now,